April 21, 2017, C4ISRNET

The Army is getting up-to-date on cyber and electromagnetic activity policies, finally releasing the long-anticipated updated field manual for cyber and EW functions. The document, titled FM 3-12 “Cyberspace and Electronic Warfare Operations,” [PDF] and dated for mid-April, though publicly released within the last week, replaces FM 3-38, which provided the initial guidance back in 2014.

The new document “provides tactics and procedures for the coordination and integration of Army cyberspace and electronic warfare operations to support unified land operations and joint operations.”

“FM 3-12 explains Army cyberspace and electronic warfare operations fundamentals, terms, and definitions,“ the document reads. “This publication provides overarching guidance to commanders and staffs on Army cyberspace and electronic warfare operations at all echelons.”

The updated field manual notes that the electromagnetic spectrum is the “common denominator” for cyberspace and EW operations both of which impacts every operation in the Army.


The complete article is available at the homepage of C4ISRNET, the manual can be downloaded from the website of the Federation of American Scientists (FAS).